| On April 9-28, 2011 supported by the international program "Save our Species", the members of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds carried out a study of the lake Ayakagitma. Read more>> |
| UzSPB finished the work on the project "Numbers and distribution of Saker Falcon and Egyptian Vulture in Uzbekistan" supported by the Birdfair/RSPB Research Fund for Endangered Birds. Field research in Western Tyan Shan, Pamiro-Alay mountains and Kyzylkum desert were conducted. National Conservation Action plans for both species were developed. Read more>> |
| The Address Booklet was published for the Birdlife European and Central Asian Partnership meeting which took place in Budapest 14th to 16th April 2011 Read more>> |
| 29 Partners, 3 Partners Designate and 3 Affiliates as well as representatives of organizations from 4 othercountries were meeting in Budapest Read more>> |
| On April 1-4, 2011 in Bukhara State University the Second student conference of UzSPB bird watching clubs took place. It joined more than 30 students and teachers from universities of 5 regions of Uzbekistan. Read more>> |