| From October, 29 till November, 29, 2009 Republican student ornithological expeditions to Tuzkan and Aydarkul lakes took place. The expedition was organized by Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds and supported by "Wings over the Wetlands" (WOW) program of "Wetlands International". The objects of the expedition were: researching of potential IBAs, which were not investigated before and training students – ornithologists in future. Read more>> |
| In October 12-15, 2009 in Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science First International Conference "Aral: Past, Present and Future – Two Centuries of the Aral Sea Investigations" took place. On the Conference were presented two papers of Uzbekistan Society for the protection of Birds: "Current status and problems of conservation of avifauna of Southern Priaralye" and "Development of student initiatives and ecological education aimed at protection of avifauna in Karakalpakstan". Read more>> |
| Every year in October 3 and 4 ornithologists and birdwatchers from different countries celebrate International day of autumn bird counts. In this year International day of autumn bird counts was widely celebrated in Uzbekistan. In counts took part members of student birdwatchers clubs form Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Fergana regions and Karakalpakstan. UzSPB thanks all members and activists who responded to the call to carry out autumn bird counts. Read more>> |