| The second part of the project 'For a brighter future of Sociable Lapwing' covered the period from September 29 to November 3, 2018. On 2-12 October 2018, the project team carried out the survey at the KBA 'Talimarzhan reservoir' to research Sociable Lapwing congregations, number, distribution, diet and threats. On 10 October, the Sociable Lapwing number at the KBA reached its maximum of 4,060 individuals. Read more>> |
| BBC 100 Women has announced its list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2018. UzSPB Executive Committee member, Dr. Leyla Belyalova entered this list as a university lecturer working to preserve Uzbekistan's mountain ecosystems and protect bird species, including raptors. Read more>> |
| On November 16, 2018, in Tashkent, at the initiative of Uzbekistan Society fot the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) with the support of the UNDP/GEF project «Technical Support to Relevant Parties for the Preparation of the 6th National Report on the Convention on Biological Diversity» a workshop on the Global Standard of the International Union for Conservation of Nature on Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA): an application experience, use in environmental planning, investments, and prospects for Uzbekistan was organized. Read more>> |
| We came to the end of the first and the brightest ecological date of spring - the International Bird Day. Starting from this year, the Bird Day has become a real professional holiday for UzSPB supporters. Bird Day 2018 was the most vivid and creative for its 11-year history in our country! Bird observations in five regions of Uzbekistan, scenic shows, exhibitions, master classes, games, quizzes and scientific seminars brought together more than 900 participants! The holiday was largely designed for children: it was attended by about 300 pupils from seven schools, as well as representatives of 'Barkamol avlod' children centers. Read more>> |
| On Sunday, April 1, the first and long-awaited ecological date of spring, the International Bird Day was held in Tashkent Botanical garden! Despite the cloudy day and spring coolness, the holiday turned out to be really warm and bright. Smiles arose on faces of its participants, caused by a variety of contests, master classes and games. The event reached over 90 schoolchildren from different Tashkent schools. Read more>> |