| On 24 June, the 12th General Meeting of UzSPB joined its 45 members and supporters. On this meeting, the new Chairman of UzSPB Executive Committee was elected. Following a vote, this post was given to Dr. Kholboev Fahriddin. Dr. Kholboev is a Chairman of UzSPB Bukhara branch and deputy from the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis. Read more>> |
| On 25 June, workshop on Van Tienhoven Project 'Piloting a community-based approach to ecosystems conservation in Uzbekistan' joined 12 conservationists, including key stakeholders involved in the 'Developing mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of the main ecosystems of Uzbekistan' Project implemented in 2012-2015. During the workshop stakeholders interested in SAPs implementation sat together and discussed their participation in applied conservation activities on IBAs 'Dalverzin' and 'Oygaing valley'. Stakeholders from other sites were energized by the workshop and contributed to planning of the conservation activities. Read more>> |
| On 18 June 2017, UzSPB installed the second set of the garbage collection facilities on Urungoch lake neighboring IBA 'Oygaing valley' under umbrella of the Van Tienhoven project 'Piloting a community-based approach to ecosystems conservation in Uzbekistan'. Information boards were designed to change visitors' attitude towards pollution of the site and waste issues that are quite urgent. The boards contain emotional messages about importance of the lake, mountains as well as about pollution consequences. Information boards were placed together with garbage bins and arrows showing directions to the bins. 35 people including UzSPB members and volunteers, staff of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection, rangers of the Ugam-Chatkal National Part, tourists and visitors of the site. Read more>> |
| On 3 June 2017, UzSPB joined the World Environment Day 2017 celebration and installed garbage collection facilities on Urungoch lake neighbouring IBA 'Oygaing valley' in the framework of the 'Piloting a community-based approach to ecosystems conservation in Uzbekistan' project supported by the Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection. Information boards, signs and waste baskets were designed to change visitors' attitude towards pollution of the site and waste issues that are quite urgent. Read more>> |
| On 24-30 May 2017, Great Bustard experts from across the globe met in Ulaanbaatar to plan conservation of the Great Bustard in Asia. The conference hosted experts from 9 countries, including China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom and USA, and included contributions from Iran and Turkmenistan. It should be noticed that Uzbekistan joined the conference on Great Bustard for the first time and was presented by Uzbekistan Society for the protection of Birds. Read more>> |
| On 13 May 2017, during biweekly 'Bird Tuesdays' class in Tashkent Botanic garden UzSPB organized 'Bird Guardians' school brigade that joined 60 pupils of 5-6 years. During the interactive informal sessions, games and excursions children learnt in which cases a nestling found on the ground needs human intervention or should be left to fend for itself. Read more>> |
| On 6 May 2017, UzSPB staff visited Namangan State University in order to support 'Eco Birds' student club working at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The workshop with 'Eco Birds' club members joined over 80 students and lecturers of the faculty! Its participants entered their observation on Spring Alive website and brainstormed main work directions for 2017-2018 academic year. Read more>> |
| On 3 May 2017, 'Piloting a community-based approach to ecosystems conservation in Uzbekistan' project team met local people, rangers and rural councils of Pskem village on the territory neighbouring IBA 'Oygaing valley'. Participants of the meeting agreed on the garbage collection facilities that will be placed on Urungoch lake by UzSPB. Local people suggested to split placing of the garbage collection facilities in two actions and dedicate them to the World Environment Day in early June. The rest of the facilities will be placed in July. Read more>> |