| The next issue of UzSPB Digest was published. This time Digest covers events which took place in a period from July to September 2014. You can look through the issues in "UzSPB Publications" section. Read more>> |
| UzSPB together with the National University of Uzbekistan and by support of RSPB continue realization of the project "Developing mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of the main ecosystems of Uzbekistan". During visits to the project sites in 2013 concrete actions were planned for each of 3 territories. The actions were implemented by 2014. Read more>> |
| In October, Facebook group for UzSPB members and people interested in birds was created. Read more>> |
| There is some update about UzSPB membership. Read more>> |
| On October 16, 2014 in Botanical garden in Tashkent Republican competitions on orienteering in the framework of the project "Tashkent Urbanistic-2014" took place. As in the past years UzSPB together with "Phasianus" student birdwatching club participated in the event organizing one of its educational and informational part related with environment and birds. Read more>> |
| On May 30, 2014 the 9th general meeting of UzSPB took place. On the meeting reports and presentations about results of UzSPB work in a period from 2012 to 2013 as well as evaluation of work were made. In the agenda reports about executive directorate and branches activities, election of executive committee, identification of key activities in 2014 and other questions were included. Read more>> |
| The new volume 36(1) 2014 of Sandgrouse was issued. It is publishing twice a year by Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Read more>> |
| Photo gallery was updated by new photos of birds made by Davlat Rasulov, the member of "Flamingo" student birdwatching club at Samarkand State University. The photos were provided in the framework of one of UzSPB student clubs' work directions developed on the 4th Student Conference in February 2014 in Nukus. Read more>> |
| World Migratory Bird Day 2014 was celebrated in over 90 countries on 10-11 May and focused on the role of sustainable tourism played in conserving one of the world's true natural wonders: the spectacular movements of migratory birds along their flyways. In Uzbekistan this ecological date was celebrating by members and volunteers of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds in 4th time and covered Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara regions. Totally WMBD actions joined more than 200 children and grown ups from different regions of Uzbekistan. For more information please visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldmigratorybirdday/sets/. Read more>> |
| On April 19, 2014 ceremonial opening of Tashkent Botanical garden took place. UzSPB took an active part in celebration and organized educational activities for more than 300 visitors of different age groups. Read more>> |
| Over 150 people from 24 countries - including America, Canada, Brazil, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan - met on April 8-10, 2014 for the Cambridge International Swift Conference. Speakers and researchers told about studies and work to protect Swifts. PR-officer of UzSPB presented information about "Save Swifts" local group's activities in Uzbekistan. Read more on http://cambridgeswifts2014.blogspot.co.uk/ Read more>> |
| On April 8-10, 2014 UzSPB staff and members visited Namangan State University and Kokand Pedagogic Institution to renew activity of existing and create new clubs at these universities. Thanks to the visit UzSPB student birdwatching clubs network will be widened and two more clubs will start working actively in the nearest future. Read more>> |
| In early April 2014 more than 600 children and grown-ups in seventh time celebrated first spring ecological date - International Bird Day in 4 regions of Uzbekistan. In this day UzSPB members and volunteers organized lectures, presentations, bird observations in student birdwatching clubs, schools and universities. Read more>> |