| On October 8, in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan ¹ 853 "On improving the use of certain natural territories and objects of Ugam-Chatkal State National Natural Park", Lake Urungoch and the adjacent territory were declared a protected area - the state hydrological natural monument! This joyful event was largely facilitated by the campaign #CleanUp #Urungoch carried out by Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds for three tourist seasons. Read more>> |
| In October, Sociable Lapwing - one of the rarest birds in the world visited Uzbekistan again! One-third of all remaining Sociable Lapwings in the world spent a month at the KBA 'Talimarzhan reservoir' in Kashkadarya region in the hope of regaining strength before a dangerous flight south to Pakistan. However, due to the excessive grazing of cattle, Sociable Lapwings could not find enough food; some of them continued their journey south starving... Read more>> |
| Over the past weekend, more the 29,000 members and supporters of 35 BirdLife International Partner organizations across Europe and Central Asia observed the fascinating bird migration and watched more than 4.2 Million birds on their way southwards to wintering grounds. Uzbekistan was the only Central Asian country attending EuroBirdwatch 2019. Read more>> |
| In May, Uzbekistan once again took part in the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) events, which is annually celebrated in more than 80 countries of the world. Organized at the initiative of the Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS), WMBD was held under the slogan 'Protect birds: be the solution to plastic pollution'. In Uzbekistan, more than 250 residents of five regions have become WMBD participants. Read more>> |
| On April 16, UzSPB staff together with 'Sociable Lapwing' student club supervisor visited school ¹20 in Nuristan village in Nishan district of Kashkadarya region where they met with heads of the educational unit, biology teachers, librarian, and 25 students of grades 9 and 10. Read more>> |
| In April, Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds started new project 'Building capacity of Talimarzhan Site Support Groups for Sociable Lapwing long-term protection'. One of the project goals was the opening of the UzSPB 'Sociable Lapwing' student club at Karshi State University. The new club members will be engaged in Sociable Lapwing counts and independent monitoring of this endangered species. Read more>> |
| On March 30, the Annual General Meeting of UzSPB was held in Tashkent, at the conference hall of the Institute of Zoology of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. UzSPB members from Tashkent and four regions of Uzbekistan gathered together for the 13th time to take stock of the organization's work in 2018 and discuss the work plan for the current year. Read more>> |
| International Bird Day events have come to the end. This year, the Bird Day was the most vivid and illustrative for the entire 12-year history in our country. Master classes and workshops in five regions of Uzbekistan brought together over 920 participants, including 210 schoolchildren from 12 schools! Children and their parents who attended Bird Days produced and installed over 1,000 protective stickers on windows of their houses that will save migratory birds from colliding with the glass. Read more>> |