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On August 24-26, 2011 Head of RSPB International Country Programmes Department Dr. Dieter Hoffmann, Head of RSPB Partner Development: Europe, Middle East & Central Asia International Division Mark Day and Partner Development Officer: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Edith Koshkin visited UzSPB.
On August, 24 UzSPB staff and the guests had a workshop. Roman Kashkarov, UzSPB Chief Executive made presentation about UzSPB structure, strategy and main directions of work. IBA Program Assistants Ten Anna and Ernest Khurshut told about the program realization and other scientific and nature conservation activities. Oleg Kashkarov - UzSPB Public Relation Officer told about PR campaigns, educational programs and membership development. UzSPB Educational Officer Alisher Atakhodjaev made presentation about UzSPB university student club network.
From 2005 RSPB gives financial and methodological support to IBA Program and Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds. Therefore presentations attracted interest and many questions, particularly about UzSPB management structure, financing, cooperation with local and international nature conservation organizations, donors as well as about problems and ways of their solving.
In the next 2 days Dieter Hoffmann, Mark Day and Edith Koshkin visited picturesque Beldersay hole and one of IBAs of Uzbekistan - the Dalverzin hunting-management area. In Beldersay guests visited coniferous forest and watched such rare and red list bird species as Saker Falcon, Egyptian Vulture, Short toed-eagle and Booted Eagle. In Dalverzin guests had a welcome dinner, tried fried fish and roosted in national jurt. In the evening RSPB staff had talk with Nuriddin Begmatov - the Head of Dalverzin area. In early morning Dieter Hoffmann and Mark Day participated in autumn counting of Pheasant.
On Augst, 26 Dieter Hoffmann, Mark Day, Edith Koshkin and Roman Kashkarov had a meeting with Abduvakkos Abdurahmanov - the Head of Environment and Energy Department of UNDP. He told about international nature conservation projects realized in Uzbekistan. At the end of the visit RSPB staff appreciated value of biodiversity of Uzbekistan and UzSPB's activity aimed at it conservation. They also planed next steps for future nature conservation efforts.
Webmaster Ernest Khurshut: uznix@narod.ru | Fishes of Uzbekistan Last modified: 04.04.2021 |