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On the International Bird Day, UzSPB managed to organize 16 events and draw attention of 780 people, including 380 children, to the birds-heralds of spring! In early April, the International Bird Day, the oldest children's ecological event, was celebrated for the 16th time in Uzbekistan. This year, the initiative of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds to hold the Bird Day of in our country was supported by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Ministry came up with initiative to launch the 'Protect Birds' Republican youth contest.
Regional branches and student clubs of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds took part in the events of the 'Protect Birds' contest and won prizes. On the International Bird Day, the UzSPB managed to organize 16 educational events in 6 regions of Uzbekistan, which covered 15 schools and 6 universities. This made it possible to draw the attention of more than 780 people, including 380 children, to the bird-heralds of spring living in our neighborhood.
The most massive and informative events within the framework of the International Bird Day this year were held in Karakalpakstan. On March 30, an educational event was held at school ¹25 of the Kegeyli district of Karakalpakstan, organized by student ornithological club members at Karakalpak State University. At the event, members of the Elmira Zhumabayeva, Berdibek Perdebaev and Dastan Kadirov told 24 high school students about birds-heralds of spring. On the same day, Sarbinaz Bayetdinova, 'Otus' club club member, held a lesson on birds with 22 students from school ¹22 in Nukus district of Karakalpakstan. A member of the 'Otus' club, Izetulla Tursynbaev, told 18 students of school ¹8 about the birds-heralds of spring. 'Otus' student club members Shakhnoza Abdikerimova and Perizat Beknazarova visited to school ¹49 of Shymbay region of Karakalpakstan, where they spent the Day of Birds among 20 high school students.
On March 31, Karakalpak branch of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds together with 'Otus' student ornithological club organized a scientific seminar on the theme 'Birds are our friends' at the Faculty of Biology of Karakalpak State University. The seminar was attended by 77 university lecturers and students, representatives of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, scientists and inspectors of the South Ustyurt National Natural Park, as well as media representatives. At the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of the Karakalpak State University Yakub Idrisovich Ametov made a presentation on 'Birds are our friends'. He spoke about history of the International Bird Day and explained the importance of birds and the need for their protection.
Then Saida Bazarbayeva, a senior staff of the scientific department of the South Ustyurt Natural Park, made a report on rare and endangered species of birds found in the park. Doctoral student of the Department of General Biology and Physiology, 'Otus' student ornithological club supervisor Islambek Muratbayevich Arepbaev acquainted the participants of the meeting with activities of the 'Otus' club. The 4th year student of the Faculty of Biology Izetulla Tursinbaev made presentation on 'Environmental factors affecting birds'. The 4th year student Uldaulet Alimova spoke about birds of Karakalpakstan listed in the Red Data Book of Uzbekistan. The 2nd year student Gulbanu Turganbayeva shared interesting facts about birds. Then participants of the International Bird Day headed to the Lake Ashshchikul in the vicinity of Nukus city, where they observed various species of waterfowl.
In Tashkent, events dedicated to the International Bird Day began on March 31. On this day, Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds held a children's thematic creative master class on making handicrafts of Swifts from artificial felt. Participants of the master class were schoolchildren from 6 schools of Tashkent. Under the guidance of an experienced trainer on applied arts, children sewed soft toys in the form of Swifts on their own. During the master class, UzSPB members of staff and volunteers told children about actions to be taken if a live Swift fell into their hands. Having made their own Swift, children remembered forever what Swifts look like and what to do if one of them is in trouble. Such creative workshops are the best way to establish the relationship of children with birds and nature!
On April 1, members of staff and volunteers of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds joined the holding of the Republican stage of the 'Protect Birds' youth contest in the Botanical Garden of Tashkent. At the opening of the event, the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of Uzbekistan, Aziz Abdukakharovich Abdukhakimov emphasized the importance of the active participation of every citizen in conservation of wildlife, especially birds. He noted that the competition is held to improve the attitude of people, especially youngsters, towards birds. Educational activities of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds in the Botanical Garden of Tashkent on this day managed to involve more than 200 children and adults.
In Samarkand region, information meetings dedicated to the International Bird Day were held at three faculties of Samarkand State University. More than 60 university students of the 1st-3rd year of the faculties of Russian Philology, Fine arts, Geography and Ecology listened to information about importance of birds in nature. On March 30, another event dedicated to the International Bird Day was held at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology of Samarkand State University. It was initiated by supervisors of 'Flamingo' and 'Yosh Ecologist' student clubs at the Department of Ecology and Life Safety of Samarkand State University.
In honor of the International Bird Day, the faculty announced 'My favorite bird' photo contest. As a result, a photo exhibition was held. The opening speech at the opening of the event was made by the head of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety, Professor Ergash Egamberdievich Kobilov, who emphasized the importance of bird conservation. The head of Flamingo student ornithological club, Associate Professor Leyla Enverovna Belialova, and the head of the 'Yosh Ecologist' student club, Dildora Abdurasulovna Olimova, spoke about importance of birds in nature and diversity of birds in Uzbekistan. Then, 1st year master Mehrozh Shakarov made presentation on the study of bird ecology in Zarafshan Natural Park. The 2nd year student Iroda Abulfayzieva presented information about birds that can harm nature. The 2nd year masters' student Mansur Umarov and Mirzhalol Turdaliev took an active part in organizing this event. On March 31, 'Ivolga' student ornithological club guided by the Associate Professor of Bukhara State University Mukhtor Murodovich Turaev joined the International Bird Day held at 'Samaniy' park in Bukhara city. More than 100 people took part in the event: schoolchildren, students of colleges and Bukhara State University. Among the special guests of the event was Botir Komilovich Zaripov, head of administration of Bukhara region.
24 members of the 'Ivolga' student ornithological club took an active part in this event. This club members Shokhista Shokirova, Dildora Tosheva, Mirzobek Shamatov and Hamrokul Ravshanov made presentations on bird protection issues and took 2nd place in the Bukhara regional stage of the 'Protect Birds' republican contest. On March 31, members of 'Steppe Eagle', the youngest UzSPB student birdwatching club at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, joined the International Bird Day celebration. This event was attended by more than 40 university students and lecturers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Jizzakh University, who made presentations, demonstrated bird watching equipment and installed nest boxes.
On April 1, members of the 'EcoBirds' UzSPB student birdwatching club at Namangan State University took an active part in the Namangan regional stage of the 'Protect Birds' contest. On the same day, the event dedicated to the International Bird Day was organized by UzSPB members and volunteers in Chatkal State Biosphere Reserve in Tashkent region. In Kashkadarya region, in the International Day of Birds, the senior lecturer of the Faculty of Geography and Soil Science of Karshi State University, 'Sociable Lapwing' student club supervisor Tulkin Uktamovich Rakhimov, together with the associate professor of the department of botany Bobur Khidirovich Boysunov and a 2nd year student Mannon Usmonov visited Talimarzhan water reservoir to assess the state and condition of the vegetation cover and count migratory birds.
Webmaster Ernest Khurshut: uznix@narod.ru | Fishes of Uzbekistan Last modified: 16.08.2023 |