

A Turkish and US American project "Bisikletema" wants to promote the use of bycicles all over the world. That's why Gizem and Bryan Altim cycle from Istanbul / Turkey to Sidney / Australia. On their way they want to meet local environmental groups to spread their idea and get to know those of others. Thus they contacted the Uzbekistan Society for Protection of Birds (UzSPB) to organise a press conference. This was held at the 11th June at the UNDP office Tashkent.

The press conference aimed at discussing opportunities and constraints of using bycicles to combat global warming. Bycicles may contribute to decrease the output of carbon dioxine caused by the ever increasing motor-driven traffic. Most of released carbon dioxine is caused by short distance traffic of less than 5 km - a distance, which could easily be done by bycicle, so Gizem and Bryan argue. They put forward some more arguments, which make cycling more attractive than motorised traffic, especially over short distance:

Several Uzbek ecological organisations joined the meeting. Younger people in the audience were especially keen on discussing the pressing issue of climate change with Gizem, Bryan and the UzSPB.

We wish Gizem and Bryan good luck for trip and mission. For further information go to: http://www.tema.org.tr/bisiklet/en/indexen.html

Supported by: BirdLife International NABU

© Compiled by Oleg Kashkarov
  Webmaster Ernest Khurshut: uznix@narod.ru | Fishes of Uzbekistan
Last modified: 04.04.2021